
I know two Magento blog posts in one day may be a bit overkill, but I couldn’t help myself. This is for all you iPhone fanatics:

Varien, the Magento Company, announced last week that the Magento eCommerce Platform now fully supports the iPhone, enabling the browsing and shopping of an online store through an iPhone mobile device. Support for the iPhone is available through an extension that allows Magento to utilize the iPhone’s inherent navigation methods and offer quick catalog browsing, global site search, customer accounts, and a shopping cart with a complete checkout process. In addition, the iPhone extension delivers a user experience that supports the iPhone’s touch-screen functionality, taking users on a clearly defined path from browsing to purchasing.

Support for the iPhone is another step Varien has taken in the direction of expanding Magento’s multiple-site management functionality. “With Magento,” says Roy Rubin, CEO and President of Varien, “eCommerce merchants can target specific customer groups and demographics with different websites or storefronts with unique design, content and products. We felt that the iPhone created a market segmentation that required a unique marketing approach.”

Read the whole story here.


By Steve

22 / 09 / 2009


Magento is the leading solution for eCommerce, and we’re specialists. Magento is easy-to-use, completely customisable and endlessly scalable.

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