
Our local client Bikers Gear have been in the motorcycle apparel industry for over 10 years and have gained an excellent reputation for being high quality at a reasonable price.

They came to us lacking brand identity and were selling their product through external ecommerce sites Ebay and Amazon. They felt it was time to grow into the ecommerce market and sell the Bikers Gear products through their own site. As a business, Bikers Gear value their customer service highly, they wanted this reflected through the site and subsequent marketing material. Overall, quality and value were the two main USP’s Bikers Gear wanted us to highlight, whilst establishing the brand as a market leader and the website as the main selling area. Check out what we did for them…


We gave Bikers Gear a flaming, stand out logo that is easily identified and associated with the bikers’ trade. The flames resonate well with the image the client had imagined prior to our design work and it fits well with the edgy bikers apparel sold. We felt the new ecommerce site would benefit from a dark colour pallet of blacks and smokey greys, all working well to give the flaming licks of the logo a real stand out quality. We implemented a scrolling banner on the home page that would highlight the clients USP’s and direct customers to various areas of the site.


Bikers Gear needed an ecommerce site that packed the punch next to their previous sellers, Ebay and Amazon. We custom built a Magento ecommerce store with all the features and functionality you would expect from a high end retailer.


Customers are able to create an account which allows them to track their order and re-order the products that they love, as well as add items to a wishlist and get access to the latest offers and discounts. The client has full content control, can manage and ship orders from the site and receive top level reporting on product views and abandoned carts. This level of reporting works well to provide the client with everything they need to enhance the user experience to get them the coveted title of market leader.


By Steve

04 / 10 / 2012


Magento is the leading solution for eCommerce, and we’re specialists. Magento is easy-to-use, completely customisable and endlessly scalable.

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We offer custom web development services for any requirement. Manufacturing from scratch, we deliver a project entirely tailored to your needs.

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Working with brands nationally from our offices in Cardiff and Exeter, our tenacious team of designers and developers deliver sophisticated results every time.

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