
Social media is a fantastic way to increase brand awareness with everyone becoming more obsessed and addicted by the day. Consumers now may actually be turned off by your company if it doesn’t have a social presence!

Worth noting early on in this blog that an inactive social media channel can also be damaging to your brand – if you set them up, make sure to maintain them!
use social media design for your business

Why Should I Use Social Media?

Learn Your Customer Base

Seeing who is following you on social media can give you a good clue of your target market. You can use tools to analyse the demographics of your followers to see where your company is gathering interest. This will help with the development of your branding and how to create your customer persona to target marketing efforts at.

Public Customer Service

As your company builds and more and more customers keep returning to your store, it is always great to document and show off testimonials from these customers! Having a channel such as Facebook or Twitter for your customers to easily contact you or send messages of praise is great. You can fill up your feed of retweeted happy comments for all potential customers to see. Also, the simplicity of messaging helps quick engagement and Q&A with your loyal customers.

What are People Saying?

People tend to hit social media to talk about everything going on in their day. If they like a product or company, they are likely to post about it. Similarly, if they’ve had a bad experience with a product or company, they will be even more likely to post and rant about it. Being online yourself helps increase your access to view these comments and then deal with them. This can be positive by sharing and replying to good comments or let you resolve any issues by responding to negative comments.

Contact Potential Customers

A great (and a bit of a cheeky…) way to get noticed is to search what people are talking about that may relate to your business. For example, if you are a bakery you could see who in the area is posting about ‘craving cake’ and send them a message with the special of the day or a little offer to get them interested. You will be surprised that people will jump at the personal contact – they are the chosen one!

Create a Community

Start conversations between your customers through social media! Ask questions such as  ‘What’s your favourite X, Y and Z?’ and get customers nattering between themselves. You can chip in with any helpful tips and advice and link it back to how your company can help. Monitoring the comments also helps provide you with product and company feedback to help you know what needs addressing.

Promote Yourself

Got offers, competitions and latest news to shout about? Social media is the best way to get the word out there and get it spreading. With the feeds constantly ticking over you can use them like a news bulletin. It allows you to push the information out in to the public domain and get people sharing it to their followers/friends/circles also. Might get lucky and go viral with your posts to really get your name out there – hopefully for the right reasons!!

Become an Industry Leader

Blogs are fantastic to have on your site, but if they are just sitting on your site then they will go to waste. The use of social media to promote your blogs will do wonders for generating traffic to your site and for getting known as a leader in your industry. If people like your blogs, they will also directly share them on their channels and push your name and site further.

Want Advice on Social Media?

Talk to BED! We offer marketing and social media maintenance to our clients with bespoke strategies to make the most of the efforts.

By Steve

17 / 07 / 2015


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