
Big Eye Deers is proud to announce the new expatriate band site is live and kicking:

Expatriate Home Page

Expatriate is an indie band that were looking for a new website design and came to use for help. We love working on new websites so were definitely up for the challenge.

We worked closely with the band on the site design – proudly international, band members have ties to Australia, Greece and Indonesia, and the band are currently based in Berlin.  The feeling of global citizenship and the slight dislocation it brings was a big influence on the site, worked into a clean, simple and elegant design.

Expatriate were already keen users of social media and blogging sites, and had a very active Twitter feed and Blogger account.  We wanted to take all that great content and make the site a hub for it – rather than making the visitor go to blogspot, then twitter, then vimeo, then flickr individually, the new site hooks into to all of those services and displays blog posts and tweets as part of the sidebar on most content pages.

For other content, like live dates, news posts and the band bio, we hooked up a custom Big Eye Deers CMS system, giving  the band and their management instant access to keep the site current and updated.

We’re very pleased with how it turned out. We feel the website brings everything together and the design is clean and simple, giving the user an easy journey.

Why not visit the website yourself and see what you think. Check it out here:

If you’re also looking to get a bespoke WordPress site, Big Eye Deers is the choice for you! We are experts in web design, optimising user experience and developing unique functionality to fit the needs of our clients.

We are a big fan of WordPress and we know exactly how to get the most out of it. If you’d like more information on what we could do for you, please feel free to get in touch with any questions you may have. We are happy to discuss your requirements and put our heads together to come up with the best solutions going in current web development trends.

If you do have any questions for us about your current site or an upcoming project, feel free to get in touch and we would be more than happy to help out! Head to our contact page for the details to get in touch with the team in either our Cardiff or Cornwall offices!

By Steve

17 / 08 / 2009


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